Mr. Selfridge S2 Preview + Twitter Party!

Mr Selfridge S2 Twitter Party
The store never sleeps! Jeremy Piven reprises his role as London’s retail king, Harry Gordon Selfridge for an eight-part second season of the series hailed as “addicting” by The Wall Street Journal).

Join MASTERPIECE for a live Twitter event on Sunday, March 30, 2014, during the two-hour premiere of Mr. Selfridge, Season 2.

You’re welcome to join whenever you’re watching, but during 9-11pm Eastern time, PBS and MASTERPIECE insiders will be tweeting.

And on the West Coast, Mr. Selfridge star Jeremy Piven will join the conversation 9-11pm Pacific time!

Tag your posts with the hashtag #SelfridgePBS, then follow along on Twitter or your own favorite aggregator.

WHAT:  PBS and MASTERPIECE are hosting a live Twitter discussion.  #SelfridgePBS

WHEN: Sunday, March 30, 2014, 9-11pm Eastern and Pacific time

WHERE:  Join us using our hashtag (#SelfridgePBS)

TOPICS:  Mr. Selfridge, fashion, MASTERPIECE Classic

WHO:  @PBS@masterpiecepbs; Mr. Selfridge star Jeremy Piven (@JeremyPiven); Evangeline Holland of Edwardian Promenade (@evangelineh) — and YOU!

RSVP:   Please follow and be followed (on Twitter, of course!) by other  #SelfridgePBS tweeters

EPISODE 1: Once considered the vulgar venture of an upstart American, Selfridge & Co. is now the toast of London, about to celebrate its fifth anniversary. The store’s staff plans a surprise for Harry, and unexpected guests show up. Meanwhile, the latest sensation is a new nightclub, run by libertine Delphine Day, who is a new friend of Harry’s wife, Rose. Are the two institutions—Selfridges and Delphine’s—destined to cross paths? In other action, Lady Mae’s husband, Lord Loxley, is back in her life again. Rose spots a ghostly but familiar face at Delphine’s. And Agnes gets a huge promotion but makes a bitter enemy. On the larger stage, the Archduke of Austria is assassinated, touching off a crisis on the Continent.


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8 replies on “Mr. Selfridge S2 Preview + Twitter Party!”
  1. says: Elisa

    I watched an extended preview as part of a special about the 2nd season on PBS not long ago. Aside from the annoying pledge pitch, it was enough to see what would be next!

  2. says: hels

    It is not a coincidence that the most exciting, successful drama series on tv come from the Edwardian era and WW1. Everything was changing, modernising and full of education/science/hope,

    So “on the larger stage, the Archduke of Austria is assassinated, touching off a crisis on the Continent” was unbelievably timed. In an era of peace, hope, improvement and Selfridges …comes the War to End All Wars, the greatest tragedy of all time. Selfridges would have been glamorous anyhow, but compared to what followed just a few years later, it stood out like a beacon of progress.

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